September Tidy Up

I’ve spent a few happy moments in the gravel garden today. I ran my fingers through the Stipa tenuissima to decongest untidy thatch, I clipped a few straggling Verbena bonariensis and deadheaded the Salvias. A few minutes of therapeutic gardening results in a tidier gravel garden. The Calamagrostis brachytricha or Mexican feather reed grass are […]

Autumn stock take

Think about what plants performed well for you this year

The nights are drawing in aren’t they? There’s a distinct Autumnal feeling in the air. The grasses, dahlias, rudbeckias and heleniums are doing their best to lift our spirits as the verdant abundance of summer slips away to reveal the softening retreat of Autumn. I always think about Autumn as a chance to regroup and […]

Front Garden ideas

Think about the aspect of your Front Garden

Front gardens give a sense of arrival at a property. They are a window into your personality and lifestyle. We walk through them on a daily basis and they can have a meaningful impact of making us feel better about where we live. Research indicates that spending a mere 3 minutes in green space can […]